Tag Archives: Writing

It’s 2am and I am awake

My ‘Ninja Cat ‘ decided he wanted to go out so tapped me gently on my nose with his paw, when that did not work he gave his most mournful but very loud meow.  Minutes later I am opening my garden gate and and he begins his nigh time prowl of the neighbourhood

It is warm out side, and so very quiet, My cat returns briefly to my side to take a quick drink from his outside water bowl, then darts off chasing shadows like a kitten (he is an elderly cat aged about 15)

I watch for a few minutes, then return inside.  Totally awake. Knowing that sleep was sometime away, I got out my latest notebook and began to write. ( I don’t use technology late at night) This post for example is from the notes I made.

The stillness of night or early morning if you prefer, has always been a time for reflection or mindfulness. I often find I am the most creative at these times.

As sleep was not forthcoming I was grateful that it was a weekend and I could have a lie in, and with that thought I drifted off to sleep.

Ninja Cat

Books, Books and yet more Books

I am surrounded by books, boxes and boxes of books, I have already donated over ten boxes to charity and it doesn’t seem as though I have made much of a dent.

I have been an avid reader since I was about five or six, I would always get a variety of books as birthday and Christmas gifts and when I had money to spend I would always buy a book (or two or three) brand new or second hand it did not matter.

What ever I became interested in I made sure I got a book about it (no internet then) hence I have a lot of books on some rather strange subjects.

When I left home, not all the books followed me until now, hence the boxes of books to look through and donate to worthy causes.  Some I will keep for sentimental reasons, others that I donate I hope will give a little girl or boy the chance to find out something useful without having to be connected to the internet.


Once I finish with the book donations, I have the other boxes of ‘memories’ to go through.


Its Raining

It’s raining, its July and warm outside, yet it is raining. There has been rumbling thunder, a flash of lightening and torrential rainstorms for the past few hours.
As I sit in the open doorway of my Kitchen looking out at the rain I am reminded of times spent holidaying at my grandparents homes in Ireland during the 1960s and 70s.  Most days would be spent out in the fields, with my brother and sister and  the neighbouring children and my many cousins.  I was the youngest and often could not always keep up.
Rainy days would find me sitting in the open doorway of their cottage, book in hand, perhaps accompanied by one of my grandmothers dogs.  I could quite happily stay there watching the rain as it fell at let my imagination go wild.
I have recently come across some of my old school work, I can see how much the time I spent at my grandparents cottages influenced my writing then and how much it still does.  Then if I had a question about Irish folklore or history I could always ask someone.  Now of course he have google.

So now I am going to go back to watching the rain, with my cat by my side

Seven Tails

This is a tale of Seven Tails, tails that belonged to the seven cats my mother looked after, however as write this I am aware that one cat ‘lost’ her tail (all she had was a little stump but boy did she use it to the best of her ability)


Afternoon snooze

All cats were welcome to visit

And would make a bee line to get as close as possible, even sneaking up from behind.

Joey (with tail) lived in a rose bush for about 6 months before settling in. He was terrified of loud noises and brooms, he loved dry cat food and was the father of  ‘Bubbles’ (without tail) and was totally devoted to Mushka (short haired smoky tortoiseshell (calico)


But he did into unusual spots

Below is a photograph of a painting of all seven cats my mother commissioned from a local artist

Two tabbies, two torties, one rather large black and white, one ginger and one champagne and white cat.





One Day

It is Bank Holiday Monday, another during Lockdown, where everyone is Social Distancing, wearing face masks etc. However this post is about my cat Sebastian.

Sebastian is an elderly cat, approximately 15 years old, he’s been with me about 18 months now and knows exactly what he wants and how to get it.

I’ve been around cats all my life, each one having their own distinct personality  and Sebi has quite a few quirks.
He likes to drink water from a jug

He prefers open gates since he can no longer jump up onto high walls

He will wait patiently for the gate to be opened so he can go in or out, or half way in.  If I take too long a very loud Meow is heard and if he is wanting to come in a little white paw is tapped underneath the gate.


However today took the biscuit so to speak.
Sebi doesn’t like dogs, usually cats will make a strategic retreat if a dog comes on the scene, not so Sebi.  My neighbour was walking his dog past my open gate, Sebi was snoozing in the garden and decided to go ‘Ninja Cat’ at the dog (who backed away confused)
Luckily no blood was spilled, I had a socially distanced chat with my neighbour, with the back ground noise of Sebi  alternately growling and spitting at the dog.  Every few minutes the cat would get up, move from one side of the garden to the other, doing the arched back and bristled fur.  Eventually he settled down at a safe distance.

Sunday Sunshine

It’s Sunday, and the sun is shining, the sounds that abound remind me of Sundays past. Young lads working on their pride and joy cars, the sounds and smells wafting over of Sunday roast being cooked and the faraway sound of a dog barking it’s joyfulness as it’s being walked (or should that be walking it’s owner) Birds flitting to the bird feeder, keeping a watchful eye on the cats dozing in a sun trapped corner of the garden.

It’s still only February, so maybe tomorrow ………..

The Robin Singing it’s heart out.

It’s Sunday

And apparently I have been on WordPress for 9 years, yes NINE years.
In this time I have done many things, and some are on my still to do list……. ( I don’t call it a bucket list) I like to do things at my own pace.  Sometimes it’s slower than others.  I like to march to the beat of my own drum so to speak. ( or stroll)

I like to take the time to look around me.  First this morning I drew back the curtain onto my garden to see next doors cat, oblivious to every thing around him just rolling about in the sun bleached grass, enjoying the early morning sunshine, which for an eighteen year old cat is pretty good going.

After a few minutes he decided to act his age and have a snooze

Over the wall

I like to take photos from slightly different viewpoints.

I also like to photograph a particular feature of a building inside

and out

and sometimes the traditional shot

even if the trees get in the way.



Have become the Sunday for me in as much as lately I have exchanged my Sunday morning walks for Saturdays.

It is always good to change things around.

You can still find the ‘quiet’

If you take the time to look……


It should be Sunday

Only it’s Bank Holiday Monday. The only sounds heard are the wood pigeons calling out to each other.  The roar of a car engine momentarily shatters the peace. The car speeds by, the occupant apologetic.  It feels like a Sunday even though the refuse truck has been and gone. No Bank Holiday for them.  It feels quintessentially British. A throw back to the television shows from the sixties that I would watch endlessly as I grew up. Any minute now John Steed and Emma Peel would appear, roll opening credits……

It feels earlier than it is, the sun is still hiding behind low cloud, perhaps hiding in a game of hide and seek that only its playing.

There is a stillness in the air, it still feels like it should be Sunday…..